Monday, February 20, 2012

Nickel Coin Roll Hunting

With all the fun so many of us have been having not finding any keepers in our Half Dollar hunting.  I decided on a whim to also pick up some boxes of Nickels and Dimes at my return bank.

First I wouldn't call this a relapse.  I figure I'm good as long as I don't start sorting Pennies.

Anyways the Dimes turned out to be a complete waste of time.  We've all seen the amounts of boxes people search to get 1 or 2 silver Rosies.  

The nickels turned out to be a little more fun.

Keeping right up with last weeks Half Dollar hunting results, I found a solitary War Nickel that also happened to be on the end of one of my rolls.

I haven't searched nickels in a while so it was a refreshing change to see one of these and on the end to boot.  Too bad I didn't simply keep that one roll and return the rest, and save myself a heap of time hunting.

I also found a couple rolls worth of 2010 and 2011 coins.  They were lightly circulated but still look pretty good. 

Not the biggest treasure find, but when you're not really finding a lot of anything it's nice to get something now and again.

I think I will be bothering a couple of my banks in the neighborhood to pick up some more boxes.

As always Happy Hunting!

~ JobIII

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  1. Great post! I do a box of nickels each week up here in Canada, primarily searching for 99.9% nickel nickels. Although those nickels aren't as available in the US, it would be great to score a war nickel (silver!) in your nickel boxes. I am still waiting to find my first one. And I agree with you that nickels are much more fun than dimes, which can be a lot of work for little return.

    Look forward to more of your posts on coin roll hunting.

    1. I barely ever find any 99.9% nickel coins in the US bank boxes. I think it has a lot to do with the magnets almost all US bank coin machines have. These last couple weeks haven't yielded anything very notable, but it's very nice to find a silver war nickel, or dated buffalo nickel in these rolls. It would be amazing to find a silver nickel in a box of Canadian nickels :).

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